Sermons (Page 8)

Sermons (Page 8)

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Dec. 18: Be Saved

Jesus’ birth fulfills Isaiah’s Immanuel prophecy, showing that God’s promises never fail. Readings from this service: Isaiah 7: 10-17 Psalm 24: 7-10 Matthew 1: 18-25…

Dec. 11: Be Renewed

This week, Alex asks, what if the way does not go your way? Can you still worship, even if you feel disappointed with God? Readings from this service: Isaiah 35: 1-10 Psalm 146 Matthew 11: 2-6…

Dec. 4: Be Prepared

John the Baptist’s radical message of repentance offers a hard, but hopeful prelude to redemption. Readings from this service: Isaiah 11: 1-10 Psalm 72: 1-2 Matthew 3: 1-12…

Nov. 27: Be Ready

Since “no one knows the day of the hour” when Jesus will return, those who would follow him must ready themselves with hearts rooted in grace. Readings from this service: Isaiah 2: 1-5 Psalm 122: 1, 5-7 Matthew 24: 29-31, …

Nov. 6: Beyond Healing

Through Jesus, God has fulfilled his promise to pour out his Spirit on all people and create oases of hope in dark times. Readings from this service: Joel 2: 28-32 Acts 2: 16-21 Psalm 116: 4-7 John 14: 15-17…

Oct. 30: No More Shame

When a crisis comes, many of us worry what other people will think if they find out, but God promises we will never again be put to shame if we turn to Him. Readings from this service: Joel 2: 25-27…

Oct. 16: “They” Will Notice

As the first green shoots of renewal emerge from the devastated ground of our lives, God’s promise is that “they” will notice. In this sermon, Alex helps us to answer who “they” are in our lives, and maybe, for some …

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