Sermons on Hope

Sermons on Hope

Dec. 18: Be Saved

Jesus’ birth fulfills Isaiah’s Immanuel prophecy, showing that God’s promises never fail. Readings from this service: Isaiah 7: 10-17 Psalm 24: 7-10 Matthew 1: 18-25…

Dec. 11: Be Renewed

This week, Alex asks, what if the way does not go your way? Can you still worship, even if you feel disappointed with God? Readings from this service: Isaiah 35: 1-10 Psalm 146 Matthew 11: 2-6…

Dec. 4: Be Prepared

John the Baptist’s radical message of repentance offers a hard, but hopeful prelude to redemption. Readings from this service: Isaiah 11: 1-10 Psalm 72: 1-2 Matthew 3: 1-12…

May 24: The Ascended Lord

This world is not our home. But we are given to it temporarily to capture it for the Kingdom of God. Jesus is now ascended, and enthroned, giving us both a message and the power of a message accompanied by …

May 17: Overcoming the World

We very likely feel worn down, even defeated right now. Our suffering is to be expected but we can have peace during it and hope of overcoming it in Christ Jesus. Readings from this service: John 16: 25-33 Psalm 47: …

May 10: From Sorrow into Joy

Jesus hints at his purposes in being born, dying, rising and ascending. This will become clearer later after his resurrection. His sovereign rule gives peace to believers in suffering and is the basis for our hope, indeed expectation of joy …

May 3: Truth & Uncertainty

Because Jesus has resurrected, He now gives us His Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us into the truth in a world that feels increasingly uncertain. Readings from this service: John 16: 4b-15 Psalm 25: 4-10…

Apr. 26: Doubts & Peace

The disciples have returned to fear. In our doubts many of us are afraid and looking for peace. Jesus approaches us and calls us to submit to him as Lord. In doing so he both answers our fears and gives …
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