Sermons by The Rev. Ben Hughes

Sermons by The Rev. Ben Hughes

July 7: Hurting Those We Love

Jesus teaches on sensitive topics like adultery and divorce because he aims to heal the deepest wounds of the human heart. He calls us to faithfulness and draws us into mercy. Readings from this service: Colossians 3: 1-5 Psalm 51: …

June 23: Jesus & The Law

Christ came not to lower the standard of God’s righteousness, but to complete it for us. Only when we face up to the full gravity of the Law can we understand the magnitude of the Gospel. Readings from this service:…

June 2: Christ: The Shepherd

The final chapter of Hebrews reminds us that how we live and what we believe matter, but Who we trust matters even more. Readings from this service: Hebrews 13: 1-25 Psalm 118: 6-9 John 10: 14-18…

May 12: Christ as Son, Christians as Sons

Through the Gospel even the most the difficult trials are filled with meaning and hope. Christians can endure the struggles of life by looking to Jesus for correction, comfort, and power. Readings from this service: Hebrews 12: 1-17 Psalm 94: …

March 24: Palm Sunday

Mark’s passion narrative shows us that even at the cross Jesus is not a powerless victim, but a conquering King. Readings from this service: Isaiah 52: 13-53: 12 Psalm 22: 1-11 Mark 15: 1-39…

Mar. 10: Christ the High Priest

The New Covenant secured by Christ offers newfound innocence, real connection, and a renewed heart for all who will have Him. Readings from this service: Hebrews 8: 1-13 Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Psalm 89: 30-37 Luke 22: 14-20…

Feb. 25: Christ as Melchizedek

Hebrews 7 proclaims that Christ’s priesthood is more foundational, more authoritative, and more lasting any other. He alone has the power to transform our view of God and God’s view of us. Readings from this service: Genesis 14: 18-20 Hebrews …

Feb. 11: Christ: The Solid Meal

Hebrews 6 features a stern warning against the peril of abandoning Christ. Ironically, this difficult word is one of the ways that God brings safety and assurance to unbelieving hearts. Readings from this service: Hebrews 5:11–6:12 Psalm 131 John 15: …

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