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Sermons (Page 7)

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Nov. 12: All Things New

John hears five promises spoken from the throne of God that give us solid hope amid a hopeless world. Readings from this service: Revelation 21: 1-8, 22: 1-5 Psalm 122 John 14: 1-3…

Oct. 22: A New Song

In this vision of Jesus, the victorious Lamb, we see that our future in Christ is full of belonging, deep goodness, and wild happiness. Readings from this service: Revelation 14: 1-5 & 15: 1-4 Psalm 40: 1-3 John 4: 19-26…

Oct. 15: The Two Beasts

John has a vision of a Dragon, a Sea Beast, and a Land Beast, that together form a counterfeit Trinity – an unholy triumvirate offering a counterfeit Gospel. Readings from this service: Revelation 13: 1-18 Psalm 46: 8-11 John 15: …

Oct. 8: The Woman & The Dragon

From Revelation 12, Alex asks: what is it like before the end; and how do we find ourselves on the winning side? Readings from this service: Revelation 11:19–12:17 Psalm 145: 1-3, 10-13 John 17: 6, 14-19…

Sept. 24: The Scroll with Seven Seals

This symbolic vision of Jesus the Lamb opening the seven seals on the scroll of history offers fresh hope to weary Christians. Even when deception, war, famine, and death seem to reign, God’s sovereign purposes remain. Readings from this service:…

September 10: The Lord Amid the Lampstands

We begin a new series this week, Revelation: Things Are Not As They Seem Richard Bauckham is right in calling Revelation “a work of immense learning, astonishingly meticulous literary artistry, remarkable creative imagination, radical political critique, and profound theology.”  The …

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