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Christmas Eve: The Glory of God’s Gift
In this all age Christmas talk, Alex explains how Jesus is the greatest gift the world has ever received.
The talk focuses on Luke 2: 8-20.…
Dec. 19: Receiving Joy
Mary does what everyone does when the good news is revealed and they receive it: she worships and shares the good news with the world.
Readings from this service:
1 Samuel 2: 1-10
Psalm 80: 7, 17-19
Luke 1: 46-56…
Dec. 12: Receiving Blessing
For many Christmas is a time of celebration with those we love, but for some it’s a time when we feel more alone than ever. What does God say about loneliness? Why do we all sometimes feel so alone? And …
Dec. 5: Letting Go
John the Baptist is not nice, but he is kind. His message is abrasive, but he encourages us to reassess of our values and prepare our hearts to meet God.
Readings from this service:
Zephaniah 3: 14-20
Isaiah 12: 2-6…
Nov. 28: Preparing Properly
Rev. Ben opens our Advent series this week. Many are put off by the countercultural witness of John the Baptist, but he brings good news for those desperate for redemption.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 40: 3-5
Psalm 126
Luke …
Nov. 21: Behold Your King
Serving and Giving to Jesus will always look like a waste unless and until we see that he is our King. If you want to know who is really your king, you can easily look at how you use the …
Nov. 14: Growth in Grace & Knowledge
The Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns, the Interim Bishop of Pittsburgh, visits today and closes our series on 2nd Peter. He encourages us to live faithful, fearless and forgiving lives. AMEN!
Readings from this service:
2 Peter 3: 14-18
Psalm 90: …
Nov. 7: The New Heavens & a New Earth
Many of us wonder when He will return. But God in His grace is not being slow, he is being patient: waiting for one more person to turn to him and receive life. Maybe that person is you, or maybe …
October 31: Remember!
Skeptics will seek to undermine our confidence in the gospel. One of the most common objections to the Christian faith is the existence of suffering and the apparent slowness of Christ’s return to remedy it. Peter reminds us of God’s …
Oct. 24: Vaccinated Against the Gospel
False teachers and counterfeit gospels are dangerous because they can inoculate us against the real thin
Readings from this service:
2 Peter 2: 18-22
Psalm 125: 1-2 & 5
John 15: 18-27…