Sermons (Page 16)

Sermons (Page 16)

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June 20: RESTART: Commit

We are a broad church, at different stages in our faith and with many subtle differences in our views. But there are some key non-negotiable commitments, without which membership here makes no sense. (1)    To be a Christian is to …

June 13: RESTART: What Is Church?

Our new series Restart: Commit, Connect, Contribute, begins this week. Believers have always assembled together for worship. And the early church was especially characterized by its devotion to one another. A passive, consumerist, materialist, or individualist understanding of church …

May 30: The Gospel of Judgment

We can be encouraged about judgment because justice will be served on those who reject the gospel. The double encouragement is that those who receive the gospel are ready and even spared from such destruction by grace through faith. If …

May 16: The Gospel of Love

The Thessalonian church seems to have been as confused about love as our world is today with too much selfish love (excessive physical pleasure for ourselves, and insufficient practical care for ourselves and others). Readings from this service: 1 Peter …

May 9: The Gospel of Holiness

We especially need encouragement when we are afflicted or under distress and pressure. As believers grow in the power of the gospel, they learn to love more and increase in holiness. Readings from this service: 1 Thessalonians 3: 6-13 Psalm …

April 18: The Gospel of Gentleness

Paul contends for the authenticity of their ministry (perhaps it was questioned or he knew they would be criticized soon). Part of the power of the gospel in them is their willingness to work hard, and love gently, even when …

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