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April 16: The Resurrection of Jesus
The historical fact of Jesus’ resurrection redeems our past, transforms our present, and secures our future hope.
Readings from this service:
1 Corinthians 15: 1-19
Psalm 16: 9-12
Matthew 28: 1-10…
April 9: Easter Sunday
What does blending a happy meal and a health shake have to do with the ancient heresy of gnosticism? What does such an ancient heresy have to do with us today? In this short sermon, Rev. Alex looks at how …
March 26: Unity & The Lord’s Supper
Alex examines 1st Corinthians 11 and how the Lord’s Supper can be a way to expose (and then heal or judge) divisions within the church.
Readings from this service:
1 Corinthians 11: 17-34
Psalm 23: 5-6
Matthew 5: 21-24…
March 19: Equality, Difference & Interdependence
Paul’s discussion of marriage and head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11 has often been mischaracterized. When we cut through the historical weeds, we see a gospel-centered plea for unity, modesty, and marital interdependence.
Readings from this service:
1 Corinthians 11: …
March 12: Old Ways in the New Church
Although it’s fun to be in a growing church, tensions are inevitable when new members are very different to ourselves. What hope does the gospel bring to a divided world that ensures we do not become a divided church?
Readings …
March 5: Idols
Paul’s discussion of idolatry, community, and the Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians 10 shows us how participation in Christ reorients us from a self-centered life to a God-centered life.
Readings from this service:
1 Corinthians 10: 7-33
Psalm 78: 5-9…
Feb. 26: Relationships
In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul brings the sanity of gospel-centered living to bear on the sensitive topic of singleness and marriage.
Readings from this service:
1 Corinthians 7: 1-15, 38-40
Psalm 143: 8-11
Matthew 5: 31-32…
Feb. 26: Relationships
In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul brings the sanity of gospel-centered living to bear on the sensitive topic of singleness and marriage.
Readings from this service:
1 Corinthians 7: 1-15, 38-40
Psalm 143: 8-11
Matthew 5: 31-32…
Feb. 19: Living for the Body with Your Body
Although today’s passage contains some of the best news in scripture, it’s one that we tend to skip because of how it reads to the culture of our age. In the sermon, Alex looks at why we think what we …
Feb. 12: Living Inside the Church for the Sake of Those Outside the Church
Being so heavily influenced by the culture of the town, the Corinthian church had failed in its mandate to change the culture of the town. In chapters five and six, Paul explores the need to serve the individual, whole church, …