Sermons from November 2020

Sermons from November 2020

Nov. 29: Salvation Is Coming!

Rev. Ben Wulpi begins our new series for Advent, Prepare the Way of the Lord: The Ministry of John the Baptist. Using John the Baptist as a framework, we’ll explore what it means to prepare the way for the Lord …

Nov. 22: Faith & Suffering, Pt. 2

In the final sermon of our James series, James moves on to talk about some practical things we can do in suffering, especially in prayer. Sometimes people say that offering to pray is not enough, or is just the least …

Nov. 15: Faith & Suffering, Pt. 1

The end of James deals especially with the question of suffering. His first call is to patience, placing present suffering into a longer and bigger context. Readings from this service: James 5: 7-12 Psalm 37: 7-9 Matthew 10: 16-22…

Nov. 8: Faith in Money

It’s tempting to put our faith in money and things and to believe that through hard work, things will always get better in this world. Readings from this service: James 4: 13–5: 6 Psalm 19: 9-11 Matthew 6: 19-24…

Nov. 1: Humble Faith

James continues his point that worldly passions cause human conflict and draw us away from God. He uses the word humble several times in the context of peace with God and people. Readings from this service: James 4: 1-12 Psalm …

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