Sermons Present & Past (Page 3)

Sermons Present & Past (Page 3)

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Sermons and a bible study are added weekly.

Sept. 8: The Call to Constancy

Rev. Ben opens our new series “1st Timothy: Constancy Amid the Chaos.” Paul charges Timothy to combat bad doctrine in the Ephesian church. Even when chaos seems to reign, the simple power of the gospel remains constant.…

Aug. 25: Pray Like This

Despite its familiarity, the Lord’s Prayer offers a revolutionary vision of life that is foreign to most modern people. Jesus invites us to pray in a way that recenters our lives and reignites our trust. Readings from this service: 1 …

August 4: Giving in Secret

Jesus exposes showy religiosity in order to replace self-righteousness with a greater reward. Readings from this service: Acts 4: 32–5:11 Psalm 37: 21-24 Matthew 6: 1-4…

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