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Sermons and a bible study are added weekly.
June 30: Nudged Into Making Peace
Ben asks what anger reveals about the contents of our hearts, and what to do when we feel afraid, insecure, or out of control.
Readings from this service:
Proverbs 25: 7b-10
Deuteronomy 5: 17
Psalm 37: 7-11
Matthew 5: 21-26…
June 23: Jesus & The Law
Christ came not to lower the standard of God’s righteousness, but to complete it for us. Only when we face up to the full gravity of the Law can we understand the magnitude of the Gospel.
Readings from this service:…
June 16: Salt & Light
In Matthew 5, Jesus pays his followers the greatest compliment, and then says something even greater. But “so what”?
Readings from this service:
Proverbs 4: 10-19
Psalm 112: 1-4
Matthew 5: 13-16…
June 9: Growing In the Likeness of Christ
Alex begins our news series on the Sermon on the Mount by exhaling how the first 12 verses of Matthew 5 are the key to understanding the whole thing.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 61: 1-3, 8-9
Psalm 34: 15-19…
June 2: Christ: The Shepherd
The final chapter of Hebrews reminds us that how we live and what we believe matter, but Who we trust matters even more.
Readings from this service:
Hebrews 13: 1-25
Psalm 118: 6-9
John 10: 14-18…
May 26: Christ: The Mediator
As the world and all of its promises come to naught, Alex looks at the eternal hope we find in Jesus.
Readings from this service:
Hebrews 12: 18-29
Psalm 50: 1-6
Matthew 23: 29-36…
May 12: Christ as Son, Christians as Sons
Through the Gospel even the most the difficult trials are filled with meaning and hope. Christians can endure the struggles of life by looking to Jesus for correction, comfort, and power.
Readings from this service:
Hebrews 12: 1-17
Psalm 94: …
May 5: Christ: The Hero, Pt. 2
Our faithful forebears took great risks, and suffered horribly for their faith. But they also failed, often badly. So what is it that really unites them and sets them apart as worthy models of faith for us to copy?
Readings …
Apri 21: Christ: The Assurance
Alex looks at the confident assurance of hope we get through the living blood of Jesus.
Readings from this service:
Hebrews 10: 19-39
Psalm 143: 10-11
John 14: 6…
April 14: Christ: The Sanctifier & Perfector
Hebrews 10 shows that our deep need for moral cleansing is fully and finally met through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice.
Readings from this service:
Hebrews 10: 1-18
Psalm 40: 6-8
Matthew 9: 9-13…