Sermons (Page 30)

Sermons (Page 30)

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Abundant Blessing

Abundant blessing flows from abundant redemption. The question for the people of God is how to respond. Readings from this service: Acts 2: 38-47 Psalm 134 John 10: 10b-11…

Abundant Redemption

In reality we responded to God’s abundant creation with nothing better than abundant sin. But God is yet more abundant, even giving his own life in exchange for ours. The language of redemption and ransom are both monetary images. Mark …

Abundant Creation

The first sermon of our 2018 series focusing on the Gospel and money, Abundance: The Overflow of God’s Blessings. Genesis contrasts nothingness with abundance. Man, made in God’s image, is given stewardship over it all. A classic stewardship talk …

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