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Nov. 9/10: Grumpy About Grace
Grace just outrages us sometimes. From a human perspective it seems unfair and we like (other) people to get what they deserve. Jonah echoes the psalm, knowing that God forgives, perhaps also, like the psalm, he was looking for some …
Nov. 2/3: Repent!
Grace just outrages us sometimes. From a human perspective it seems unfair and we like (other) people to get what they deserve. Jonah echoes the psalm, knowing that God forgives, perhaps also, like the psalm, he was looking for some …
Oct. 26/27: A Big Message to a Big City
This time Jonah seems more prepared to do as he is told. But, just as he knew, his message is well-received.
When God calls us to seek forgiveness, we can be angry at being called on our sin, or fatalistic …
Oct. 19/20: Prayer from the Jaws of Death
Often prayer becomes more fervent when our life is in danger. The more we have lost, the easier it becomes to put our hope in God.
Jesus clearly sees parallels with the fish and his resurrection. He, his experience, his …
Oct. 13: The Storm Calms
The Psalm imagines the believer reaching their desired haven. Ironically, in some ways, this will be the last place Jonah wanted to be.
The calming of the storm reveals to the men that Jonah’s god is in fact The God …
Oct 5/6: Fleeing from God
We now find out that Jonah is not only fleeing from the task God gave him, but indeed from God himself. We cannot escape God, who does exactly as he wants and indeed sometimes even calls us to preach forgiveness.…
Sept. 28/29: Fleeing from the Job
We’re not told why Jonah flees, we’re only told what he flees from—the job that God gave him. Later he claims he was fleeing from the job because he knew it would succeed. Like us, Jonah struggles with many aspects …
Sept. 21/22: Upsold on the Gospel!
Though Paul had it all, when he realized the surpassing value of Christ, everything else became devalued.
What do we value and how much are we prepared to stretch to get it? Why should we value the Ggospel more than …
Sept 14/15: Value for Money
When Simon encounters the power of God, he is amazed but seeks to buy the Holy Spirit with money. Like us, he needs to understand that salvation can only ever be received as a gift.
Perhaps our question is similar: …
Sept 7/8: Bought with a Price
Whatever we think of giving to God, we must know first how much God prizes us.
God so greatly values our lives that he gave his only son to purchase our freedom. We are therefore invaluable to Him.
Readings from …