Sermons (Page 28)

Sermons (Page 28)

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Dec. 24: The Judge Is Born

The idea of something as vulnerable as a baby being our judge and bringing light to a gloomy world is uniquely Christian. Readings from this service: Isaiah 9: 2-7 Psalm 98: 1-3 Luke 2: 1-20…

Dec. 21/22: With Us in Judgment

Christ enters the world to be with us in our sins and to save us from judgment by presenting us as righteous before God, not through our works but by his grace alone. Readings from this service: Romans 1: 1-7…

Dec. 7/8: The Perfect Judge

Jesus judges perfectly and with a prefect knowledge that no human can have. Readings from this service: Isaiah 11: 1-5 Romans 3: 8-13 Psalm 72: 1-5 Matthew 3: 1-12…

Nov. 23/24: The Convicted Judge

We begin our Advent season series this week as we celebrate Christ the King Sunday. Christ the King Sunday is a time to remember that although Jesus looked like a criminal, he is now enthroned as judge & king. He …

Nov. 16/17: The Compassion of God

Have we reckoned with the scale of the seriousness of unforgiveness? The world is perishing, we have been given a message of forgiveness, but sometimes we act as though we’d rather they didn’t hear it! Readings from this service: Jonah …

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