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Mar. 7/8: Distinctly Distinct
Although believers still sin, we should be distinctly different from non-believers. And this ought to attract people to Christ. God in His grace points out our behavior to us so that we can be changed.
Readings from this service:
Ephesians …
Feb. 29/Mar. 1: A New Way to Live
*Note: Due to technical difficulties, this sermon was recorded after the service.
Being isolated from God leads to a darkened mind and a hardened heart, which leads to sinful behavior and breaks our human relationships. But in the equal opposite …
Feb. 15/16: Think Bigger
Paul’s prayer is that we would grow stronger in our faith and trust in Christ more, seeing that he can do way more than we currently believe. God can always do more than even the most faithful person believes.
Readings …
Feb. 8/9: Boldness & Access, with Confidence Through Faith
By grace, God extends his grace further and further, bringing in more and more people to the family of God as promised.
We gain bold and confident access to the Father through faith in Jesus Christ.
Readings from this service:…
Feb. 1/2: The Church’s One Foundation
We used to live alone and without hope but now we belong to God together with one another. Our new communal life is built on Christ alone.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 28: 15-16
Ephesians 2: 11-22
Psalm 118: 19-23…
Jan. 25/26: Raised by Grace
God lavishes grace on us through his saving initiative. The language of death could not be stronger in debunking the idea of salvation through our own works: the dead do not raise themselves.
Readings from this service:
Ephesians 2: 1-10…
Jan. 18/19: Enlightened with Hope
Having been made ready by Christ, we gain deep and powerful insight, seeing the world in a way that the dull cannot. In fact, Isaiah suggests we see it as he sees it.
We thus find hope, even in hard …
Jan. 11/12: Ready for the End, Before We Begin
We begin a new 14-week series this week, Ephesians: Reconciled in Christ & Ready for Life.
Those in Christ are ready for the end because of his redemption, blood, forgiveness & grace. The language of inheritance, salvation and election amplifies …
Jan. 4/5: From Weeping to Feasts
God promises to ransom and redeem us and thus our mourning turns to joy.
Readings from this service:
Jeremiah 31: 7-14
Psalm 84: 1-2, 4-5, 10-13
Matthew 2: 1-12…
Dec. 28/29: From Prison Jumpsuits to Royal Robes
In a criminal trial the accused at best might be declared not guilty. But in Christ we are declared positively as righteous and Isaiah promises even more: a beautiful, elaborate new royal identity for us.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah …