Sermons (Page 27)

Sermons (Page 27)

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Apr. 5: Strong in the Lord

Rev. Alex closes our series on Ephesians this week. The enemy does not like it when we live like this. He is threatened by our lives and the way our freedom attracts others. So he attacks. But Jesus offers strength …

Mar 29: A World Turned Upside Down

The radical teaching last week between spouses is taken even further as the same principle of mutual care is extended to two more marginalized groups: children and servants. Imagine the impact on the world if we turn our little homes …

Mar. 7/8: Distinctly Distinct

Although believers still sin, we should be distinctly different from non-believers. And this ought to attract people to Christ. God in His grace points out our behavior to us so that we can be changed. Readings from this service: Ephesians …

Feb. 29/Mar. 1: A New Way to Live

*Note: Due to technical difficulties, this sermon was recorded after the service. Being isolated from God leads to a darkened mind and a hardened heart, which leads to sinful behavior and breaks our human relationships. But in the equal opposite …

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