Sermons (Page 22)

Sermons (Page 22)

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Feb. 21: The Chosen Servant

This is the first week of our Lent series, Servant Song: Christ & The Cross Before He Was Born. The Lord is bringing about a new thing in the form of His Servant. He is the one who will bring …

Feb. 14: It’s Not That Urgent

This is a clever lie because you accept the truth to some extent, but are deceived into thinking you can deal with it tomorrow. Delayed obedience is disobedience. When we trust this lie we reveal that our convenience rules us …

Feb. 7: Be Spiritual, Just Not Religious

This lie equates spirituality with Christianity and encourages an individualist view of faith. It also mischaracterizes church as a ceremonial place of rituals and rules, not an assembly of disciples. The value of the body is ignored (where we encourage …

Jan. 24: You’re Good Enough

Satan speaks out of both corners of his mouth. In this lie he wants us to settle for the idea that good people go to heaven… and we must be good right? When we accept this lie, we compare ourselves …

Jan 3: Worship the King

Rev. Ben Hughes brings our Advent & Christmas series to a close. Come let us adore Him! As the wise men fought many obstacles and traveled a long way, what will your journey look like to worship Jesus? Readings from …

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