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Sermons (Page 2)

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Dec. 8: Mary’s Worship

Mary’s Song reminds us of a liberating truth: what the Sovereign God does with our lives is vastly more significant than what we do with our lives. Readings from this service: 1 Samuel 2: 1-10 Psalm 126: 1-6 Luke 1: …

Dec. 1: John’s Worship

Once again we see God initiates grace and people respond in worship. But this week, we also see that when we worship we experience intimacy, communion, and joy. Readings from this service: Micah 5: 2-4 Advent Canticle: The First Song …

Nov. 17: Constant in the Chaos

In the final chapter of 1 Timothy, Paul reminds us to take responsibility for our faith and calling because God has taken responsibility for us. Readings from this service: 1 Timothy 6: 11-16, 20-21 Psalm 90: 1-2, 13-14 John 21: …

Oct. 27: The Constancy of Honor

Paul ties together a smorgasbord of practical issues by calling the church to honor others as Christ has honored them. Readings from this service: 1 Timothy 5:3–6:2a Psalm 50: 7-15 Matthew 10: 1-12…

Oct. 20: Training In Sound Doctrine

When the social tide pulls away from God, Christians are called to swim upstream. To this end, Paul advises Timothy to cultivate a resilient faith that is nourished by the gospel and strengthened by serving the Church. Readings from this …

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