Sermons on Miracles

Sermons on Miracles

Dec. 17: Hannah & Mary

Before Jesus was even born, his mother Mary understood that His coming would invert the order of the World and offer new hope for sinners and sufferers. Readings from this service: 1 Samuel 2: 1-10 Psalm 34: 1-8 Luke 1: …

Dec. 3: Zechariah

Zechariah’s story shows how human fickleness can’t spoil God’s sovereign purpose to shatter hopelessness and replace it with joy. Readings from this service: Malachi 4: 1-6 Psalm 80: 1-3 Luke 1: 5-25…

Aug. 22: The Outcast & the High Roller

We welcome Kat Shuttleworth as our guest preacher in week six of our Miracles series. In typical Jesus fashion, Jesus takes our perspective on the miraculous and reminds us how his ways are always higher, bigger and better than ours. …

August 1: The Frenemy’s Servant

In our passage today from Luke 7:1-10, this miracle of Jesus reveals to us the nature of faith and how it shows us what is really true. When we learn to live in this truth, Jesus can do amazing things …

July 25: Healing & Cleansing

In week two of our miracles series, Rev. Alex takes a deep dive into the Old Testament rules reveals how far short of God we fall, and yet how Jesus brings healing, restoration, and grace to us, through his presence …

July 18: Reveal Week 1: Fish!

Rev. Alex starts our new series this week, Reveal: The Miracles of Jesus, Pt. II. The series is a continuation from summer 2019. The miracles reveal a huge amount of Christian doctrine to us, and in today’s miracle Jesus reveals …