Sermons by The Rev. Ben Hughes (Page 9)

Sermons by The Rev. Ben Hughes (Page 9)

Feb. 21: The Chosen Servant

This is the first week of our Lent series, Servant Song: Christ & The Cross Before He Was Born. The Lord is bringing about a new thing in the form of His Servant. He is the one who will bring …

Jan 3: Worship the King

Rev. Ben Hughes brings our Advent & Christmas series to a close. Come let us adore Him! As the wise men fought many obstacles and traveled a long way, what will your journey look like to worship Jesus? Readings from …

Oct 18: Dead Faith

Faith without works is dead. It is not that works save us, rather they demonstrate if we have faith (or even in what we have placed our faith.) A person who claims to have faith will manifest that faith in …

Aug. 9: I Will Announce You

John pleads with the church in Sardis to wake up to the reality of Christ’s kingdom and repent of their hypocrisy. Those who sleep (i.e. those who are content with a carnal existence) will face judgement, but those who wake …

June 14: I Will Bless

The foundational promise of the whole of the story of Israel as fulfilled in Christ—to be a blessing to the nations. God’s blessing is never just for our own sakes, but an order to be a blessing. Readings from this …

May 17: Overcoming the World

We very likely feel worn down, even defeated right now. Our suffering is to be expected but we can have peace during it and hope of overcoming it in Christ Jesus. Readings from this service: John 16: 25-33 Psalm 47: …

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