Sermons by The Rev. Ben Hughes (Page 7)
June 12: Jesus Cleanses a Leper
In this first sermon of our new series, Restored: The Healings of Jesus, Jesus reaches out and touches a leper, curing him and making him clean by the power of God’s infectious holiness.
Readings from this service:
Numbers 5: …
June 5: Pentecost
The Holy Spirit empowers us to live bold lives as we respond to God’s call. Ultimately, the center of His will is our only safety.
Readings from this service:
Acts 2: 1-11
Acts 13: 1-3
Psalm 104: 24, 27-30
John …
May 29: God Owes You an Explanation
Jesus’ third temptation in the wilderness exposes on of Satan’s core lies: that we need absolute certainty because the Father can’t be trusted.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 45: 9-13
Psalm 26: 1-3
Luke 4: 1-13…
Apr. 24: Let Me Educate You
We don’t fight the Devil standing on our own two feet. Christ empowered us by the victory of His resurrection and equipped us with His Word and Spirit.
Readings from this service:
Romans 12: 1-2
1 John 4: 1-6
Psalm …
Apr. 10: The New Exodus
Rev. Ben closes our Tetelestai series on this Palm Sunday. Jesus went to the cross at Passover to bring about a new and greater exodus from the powers of sin and death.
Readings from this service:
1 Corinthians 5: 7b-8…
Mar. 27: The Recovery
We have all inherited Adam’s legacy of sin and death, but in Christ we have a far greater legacy of grace and righteousness and life.
Readings from this service:
Romans 5: 12-17
Psalm 51: 1-6
Luke 4: 1-13…
Mar. 13: The Scandal
For many the message of Christ crucified is a skandalon – a stumbling block – but it is the ultimate display of God’s love and power.
Readings from this service:
1 Corinthians 1: 18-25
Psalm 111: 7-10
Matthew 11: 25-30…
Ash Wednesday
Rev. Ben delivers our Ash Wednesday homily.
Readings from this service:
2 Corinthians 5: 10b-21
Psalm 103: 8-14
Psalm 51: 1-13…
Feb 20: Preach the Word
Preaching, according to Paul, is a God-centered practice of heralding the good news of Jesus Christ from the Scriptures. Preaching is not about us, but by God’s grace, preaching is forus.
Readings from this service:
2 Timothy 4: 1-8…
Feb. 13: Rooted in Scripture
What is scripture & what does it do?
Readings from this service:
2 Timothy 3: 10-17
Psalm 119: 105-112
John 15: 18-21…