Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 8)

Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 8)

May 15: You’re In Control

A look at anxiety, control, how it relates to sin, and why a kingdom without a cross will never work. Readings from this service: Matthew 20: 20-28 Revelation 2: 25-29 Psalm 8: 4-9 Luke 4: 1-13…

Apr. 3: The Exchange

The central human question is “what do I need to do”, but what if there is no answer. Although the cross answers many of our questions, it also reveals that some of us are asking the wrong ones. Readings from …

Mar. 20: The Ransom

Rev. Alex’s message this week looks at the cost of our ransom and what it alone achieved. Readings from this service: 1 Peter 1: 18-19 Isaiah 53: 4-12 Psalm 49: 6-9 Mark 10: 45…

Mar. 6: It Is Finished

Rev. Alex opens our new series, Tetelestai: The Finished Work of Christ, this week. Death, debt, and the demonic are all defeated but even more is finished by Christ’s work on the cross. Readings from this service: Colossians 2: …

Feb. 27: Cloaks & Scrolls

There is a personal cost when we build a church that serves, but if we do, God strengthens both the server, and the served. Readings from this service: 2 Timothy 4: 9-22 Psalm 37: 39-41 Matthew 10: 16-22…

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