Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 7)
Oct. 2: The Crisis Comes Home
Sometimes God brings a crisis to our home, but he always stands with us and calls us closer to Himself.
Readings from this service:
Joel 2: 1-9
Psalm 22
Matthew 24: 42-44…
Sept. 25: Repentance & Hope
The book of Joel can be hard to understand, so in this sermon Alex suggests some concepts that might help unlock it for us and prepare us for the weeks ahead.
Readings from this service:
Joel 1: 15-20
Psalm 145: …
Sept. 11: The Need for Lament
Alex introduces our new series on the book of Joel, and why we believe the church needs to relearn how to lament if we are to grow in our faith.
Readings from this service:
Lamentations 3: 16-24
Psalm 18: 5-7…
Aug. 28: Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon
A little faith in a big Jesus can move mountains.
Readings from this service:
John 14: 12-14
Psalm 95: 6-11
Matthew 17: 14-21…
Aug. 7: Jesus Heals a Man Who Cannot Speak
With two completely different reactions to this healing of Jesus, the question for us, is who do we say Jesus really is?
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 35: 1-7
Psalm 39: 8-10
Matthew 9: 32-34…
July 31: Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
Sometimes being in a vulnerable place can make it easier to see a need for Jesus.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 29: 17-19
Psalm 146: 8-11
Matthew 9: 27-31…
July 17: Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man
Every heal is a reveal of something greater that only God can do.
Readings from this service:
Micah 7: 18-20
Psalm 103: 1-6
Matthew 9: 1-8…
July 10: Jesus Heals Two Demonized Men
Allowing Jesus to restore your life also means allowing him to rule your life. In this passage we see that for some people, our possessions are too precious for us to risk letting Jesus in.
Readings from this service:
Leviticus …
June 26: Jesus Heals a Friend’s Mother
In this sermon, Alex asks, if you were restored to health in some way today, what would you do with this new lease on life?
Readings from this service:
Joshua 24: 14-15
Psalm 100
Matthew 8: 14-15…
June 19: Jesus Heals an Enemy’s Servant
Though each of the healings are impressive, they are merely part of the much bigger story of God’s desire to restore all things and in Matthew 8, Jesus himself explains how this one fits into God’s salvation plan.
Readings from …