Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 2)
September 15: Consistent Grace
We are inundated with contradictory information and advice, but the gospel offers consistent grace.
Readings from this service:
1 Timothy 1: 12-20
Psalm 107: 4-9
Luke 19: 1-10…
Sept. 1: On Earth As It Is In Heaven
We like to say “your will be done” but do we really mean it?
Readings from this service:
Romans 8: 18-27
Matthew 2: 19–3:2
Psalm 145: 10-13
Matthew 6: 10…
August 18: The Pointlessness of Pompous Prayer, Pt. 2
Instead of pointless pompous prayer, God desires relationship over technique.
Readings from this service:
1 Kings 18: 17-40
Psalm 34: 17-18, 22
Matthew 6: 7-8…
July 28: Loving Like God Loves
Christians are called to love like God does and Jesus shows us how He can help us to do it.
Readings from this service:
Romans 12: 9-21
Psalm 145: 8-9
Matthew 5: 43-48…
July 21: Helping Those Who Help Themselves (to your stuff)
Believers spend a lot of time on the meaning of the letter of the law, but Jesus Himself shows us just how radical the spirit really is.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 50: 6-7
Psalm 112
Matthew 5: 38-42…
July 14: Becoming Believeable
From Matthew 5, Alex looks at why we lie, and how to become believable.
Readings from this service:
Leviticus 19: 12
James 5: 12
Psalm 76: 11-12
Matthew 5: 33-37…
June 16: Salt & Light
In Matthew 5, Jesus pays his followers the greatest compliment, and then says something even greater. But “so what”?
Readings from this service:
Proverbs 4: 10-19
Psalm 112: 1-4
Matthew 5: 13-16…
June 9: Growing In the Likeness of Christ
Alex begins our news series on the Sermon on the Mount by exhaling how the first 12 verses of Matthew 5 are the key to understanding the whole thing.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 61: 1-3, 8-9
Psalm 34: 15-19…
May 26: Christ: The Mediator
As the world and all of its promises come to naught, Alex looks at the eternal hope we find in Jesus.
Readings from this service:
Hebrews 12: 18-29
Psalm 50: 1-6
Matthew 23: 29-36…
May 5: Christ: The Hero, Pt. 2
Our faithful forebears took great risks, and suffered horribly for their faith. But they also failed, often badly. So what is it that really unites them and sets them apart as worthy models of faith for us to copy?
Readings …