Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 16)

Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 16)

Sept 7/8: Bought with a Price

Whatever we think of giving to God, we must know first how much God prizes us. God so greatly values our lives that he gave his only son to purchase our freedom. We are therefore invaluable to Him. Readings from …

Aug. 3/4: Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

Human incapacity and vulnerability is no barrier to the overwhelming grace of God. Again Jesus’ most specific of miracles reveals who he is as well as what he is like. Readings from this service: Isaiah 42: 14-16 Psalm 146: 7b-10…

July 27/28: Jesus Feeds 4000

We can be slow to learn. Sometimes we need to see more than one miracle. We can convince ourselves that great things never really happened and before they happen it is impossible for us to comprehend how God will do …

June 15/16: Jesus Calms the Storm

Rev. Alex begins our new series, Reveal: The Miracles of Jesus, this week. The purpose of the miracles is to reveal Jesus as the sovereign Lord over all things and the unique giver of salvation. Jesus demonstrates complete authority over …

Abundant Response

Even those in poverty give. But not out of command, rather out of love. Just as Jesus became poor for us to be rich, we can respond with our riches for the poor. This is a practical necessity for evangelism—paying …

Abundant Blessing

Abundant blessing flows from abundant redemption. The question for the people of God is how to respond. Readings from this service: Acts 2: 38-47 Psalm 134 John 10: 10b-11…

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