Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 11)
June 20: RESTART: Commit
We are a broad church, at different stages in our faith and with many subtle differences in our views. But there are some key non-negotiable commitments, without which membership here makes no sense.
(1) To be a Christian is to …
June 13: RESTART: What Is Church?
Our new series Restart: Commit, Connect, Contribute, begins this week.
Believers have always assembled together for worship. And the early church was especially characterized by its devotion to one another.
A passive, consumerist, materialist, or individualist understanding of church …
June 6: The Gospel of Faithfulness & Grace
In the final week of our Thessalonians series, Rev. Alex talks about how the Holy Spirit calls and equips all of us for a ministry of the gospel.
Readings from this service:
1 Thessalonians 5: 12-28
Psalm 51: 9-12
Luke …
May 23: The Gospel of Resurrection, Ascension & Return
Many of us take our eschatology from Disney: both overstating and understating the significance of death at the same time. We pretend it is “nothing at all” and make up ideas that gloss over our grief, but deep down we …
May 9: The Gospel of Holiness
We especially need encouragement when we are afflicted or under distress and pressure. As believers grow in the power of the gospel, they learn to love more and increase in holiness.
Readings from this service:
1 Thessalonians 3: 6-13
Psalm …
May 2: The Gospel of Encouragement
We can be encouraged by the power of the gospel in the lives of others in our church and be encouraged by any participation we’ve had in that work, knowing there is an eternal pay off for it.
A jolly …
April 25: The Gospel of Hardship
Often gospel ministry is embedded in the lives of others (not just a lecture from the front, but care in their homes). It can be hard work, but the power of the gospel goes to work harder than we do.…
April 11: The Gospel of Deliverance & Power
Rev. Alex starts our new series 1 Thessalonians: What the Gospel Does. We talk a lot about what the Gospel is, but here we ask what it does: what practical difference the Gospel really makes. Receiving the gospel is not …
April 4: Easter Sunday
Rev. Alex focuses on Mark 16: 1-8 and Colossians 3: 1-4. Resurrection Sunday is the strongest piece of evidence for our faith. If the resurrection is real, then what real difference does it make to you?…
Mar. 28: Palm Sunday: The True King
Jesus is welcomed as a liberating warrior king in triumphal procession. But within a week He is rejected in mock coronation, before being revealed as the true King.
Readings from this service:
Mark 11: 1-11
Psalm 22: 1-11
Mark 15: …