Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 10)

Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth (Page 10)

October 31: Remember!

Skeptics will seek to undermine our confidence in the gospel. One of the most common objections to the Christian faith is the existence of suffering and the apparent slowness of Christ’s return to remedy it. Peter reminds us of God’s …

Oct. 17: Training in Greed

We are all taught and trained by someone. So Peter asks, who are the influencers in your life, and how can you tell if they’re leading you into the light? Readings from this service: Numbers 22: 21-23 2 Peter 2: …

Oct. 10: Judgment & Rescue

If God has judged and rescued before, then He will judge and rescue again. The question is, who does he judge and who does he rescue, and how do we end on the right side of history? Readings from this …

Sept. 26: Glory & Squalor

Sometimes the light reveals that the things we love are not really as good for us as we thought they were. When that happens what will we do? Turn up the lamp, or reach for a blindfold? Readings from this …

August 8: A Widow’s Son

In this week’s sermon, Rev. Alex looks at the compassion of God and how he always provides for our restoration. In this reveal Christ comes to us in our most vulnerable state, and reveals how much more we can expect …

July 25: Healing & Cleansing

In week two of our miracles series, Rev. Alex takes a deep dive into the Old Testament rules reveals how far short of God we fall, and yet how Jesus brings healing, restoration, and grace to us, through his presence …

July 18: Reveal Week 1: Fish!

Rev. Alex starts our new series this week, Reveal: The Miracles of Jesus, Pt. II. The series is a continuation from summer 2019. The miracles reveal a huge amount of Christian doctrine to us, and in today’s miracle Jesus reveals …

July 11: RESTART: One Decision

Rev. Alex leads a combined sermon and background study to the passage in place of the regular podcast as we look at one of the most famous restarts in the Old Testament. Readings from this week’s service: 1 Kings 18: …

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