Sermons by The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
Feb. 16: God Pleads with Us, Pt. I
From Amos 5, Alex explores how to find hope, even when life is hard.
Readings from this service:
Amos 5: 1-7
Psalm 62: 7-11
Matthew 23: 37-39…
Feb. 2: Self-Indulgence & Superficial Worship
Alex explains why the heavy prophecy of Amos 4 is, in fact, good news.
Readings from this service:
Amos 4: 1-5
Psalm 1: 1-5
Matthew 23: 29-36…
Jan. 19: Judgment on God’s Children
As Amos explains that everyone will face the judgment of God, he hints at the good news that some will be delivered by God, at cost to Himself.
Readings from this service:
Amos 2: 4-16
Psalm 19: 7-10
Luke 19: …
Jan. 5: The Rejected God Speaks
Alex introduces the book of Amos, explains why it is so relevant to our setting today, and shows how God always calls to His people warning them of judgment, and offering a rescue before it’s too late.
Readings from this …
Dec. 24: The Shepherds’ Worship
Alex points out how when an obvious prize is on offer, things that had our interest before, suddenly seem of less concern.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 12: 1-6
Psalm 96: 1-2, 10
Luke 2: 8-20…
Dec. 15: Zechariah’s Worship
We’ve seen there is nothing we can do to earn God’s love, but are there things we can do to block it? (No!).
Readings from this service:
Micah 7: 18-20
Psalm 132 14-19
Luke 1: 67-80…
Dec. 1: John’s Worship
Once again we see God initiates grace and people respond in worship. But this week, we also see that when we worship we experience intimacy, communion, and joy.
Readings from this service:
Micah 5: 2-4
Advent Canticle: The First Song …
Nov. 24: David’s Worship
Alex tackles the most holy-sounding heresy in the history of the world.
Readings from this service:
2 Samuel 7: 12-22
Advent Canticle: A Song of the Spirit
Luke 1: 26-33…
Nov. 10: Consistent Intentional Giving
Last week Alex looked at some risks that come with money, and this week: opportunities for joy.
Readings from this service:
1 Timothy 6: 13-19
Psalm 37: 21-22
Luke 12: 13-21…
Nov. 3: Money, Believers & God
Alex looks at what happens when we dethrone the idols in our lives.
Readings from this service:
1 Timothy 6: 2b-10
Psalm 24: 1-2
Matthew 6: 24-29…