Sermons on Isaiah
Dec. 22: The Angel’s Worship
In Luke 2 we meet angels who display God’s glory and shepherds who display man’s lowliness. The scene points to how Christ embodied both natures for our sake.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 6: 1-4
Psalm 106: 1-5
Luke 2: …
Good Friday 2024
Rev. Ben delivers an insightful and powerful Good Friday message.…
March 24: Palm Sunday
Mark’s passion narrative shows us that even at the cross Jesus is not a powerless victim, but a conquering King.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 52: 13-53: 12
Psalm 22: 1-11
Mark 15: 1-39…
Dec. 18: Be Saved
Jesus’ birth fulfills Isaiah’s Immanuel prophecy, showing that God’s promises never fail.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 7: 10-17
Psalm 24: 7-10
Matthew 1: 18-25…
Dec. 11: Be Renewed
This week, Alex asks, what if the way does not go your way? Can you still worship, even if you feel disappointed with God?
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 35: 1-10
Psalm 146
Matthew 11: 2-6…
Dec. 4: Be Prepared
John the Baptist’s radical message of repentance offers a hard, but hopeful prelude to redemption.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 11: 1-10
Psalm 72: 1-2
Matthew 3: 1-12…
Nov. 27: Be Ready
Since “no one knows the day of the hour” when Jesus will return, those who would follow him must ready themselves with hearts rooted in grace.
Readings from this service:
Isaiah 2: 1-5
Psalm 122: 1, 5-7
Matthew 24: 29-31, …
April 18: The Gospel of Gentleness
Paul contends for the authenticity of their ministry (perhaps it was questioned or he knew they would be criticized soon).
Part of the power of the gospel in them is their willingness to work hard, and love gently, even when …
Mar. 21: The Afflicted Servant
The mission of the Servant is completed as he suffers and bears our sins as a substitute, and in this he fulfills the will of God. Even in his suffering, he is victorious because God’s will has been accomplished.
Readings …
Mar. 14: The Rejected Servant
God’s plan of salvation is brought about by unusual means. The Servant is unattractive, despised, rejected, and yet he brings about the cleansing of the nations. Isaiah hints how this brutal and inglorious ministry is a reflection of the heavenly …
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