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Sermons and a bible study are added weekly.
Oct. 8: The Woman & The Dragon
From Revelation 12, Alex asks: what is it like before the end; and how do we find ourselves on the winning side?
Readings from this service:
Revelation 11:19–12:17
Psalm 145: 1-3, 10-13
John 17: 6, 14-19…
Oct. 1: The People of the Lamb
From Revelation 7, Alex asks, who get’s eternal life, how do they get it, and what is it like?
Readings from this service:
Revelation 7: 1-17
Psalm 22: 25-28
John 10: 9-16…
Sept. 24: The Scroll with Seven Seals
This symbolic vision of Jesus the Lamb opening the seven seals on the scroll of history offers fresh hope to weary Christians. Even when deception, war, famine, and death seem to reign, God’s sovereign purposes remain.
Readings from this service:…
September 17: The Throne & The Lamb
From the vision of Revelation 4 and 5, Alex looks at who God is, what He’s done, and how.
Readings from this service:
Revelation 4:1–5:14
Psalm 103: 15-19
John 18: 1-6…
September 10: The Lord Amid the Lampstands
We begin a new series this week, Revelation: Things Are Not As They Seem
Richard Bauckham is right in calling Revelation “a work of immense learning, astonishingly meticulous literary artistry, remarkable creative imagination, radical political critique, and profound theology.” The …
September 3: Stupid Games & Stupid Prizes
What do we do if we realize that we’ve made a horrible mistake? Is there any hope of redemption or are we doomed to face the consequences?
Readings from this week’s service:
Judges 11: 29-40
Psalm 104: 35
Matthew 14: …
August 27: Being Your Own Savior
When Israel resorts to prayerless pragmatism instead of trusting the Lord they end up with a man who is competent, but not called. The Gospel offers a better hope than our self-reliance.
Readings from this service:
Judges 11: 1-1
Psalm …
August 20: Choosing Your Own Savior
Alex asks why we do what is evil in God’s eyes and what is His solution to our sin.
Readings from this service:
Judges 10: 6-18
Psalm 107: 17-19, 42-43
Matthew 6: 31-34…
Aug. 13: Gideon’s Snare
Gideon’s ascent to power and moral corruption serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder that we all need the cleansing power of Jesus.
Readings from this service:
Judges 8: 22-35
Psalm 78: 5-8
John 12: 36b-43…
Aug. 6: God’s Victory Through Weakness
God uses Gideon’s internal weakness of character and external weakness of circumstance to bring glory to Himself by miraculously defeating the Midianites with only 300 men. This reminds us that Christ’s power is made perfect in weakness, whether that weakness …