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Sermons and a bible study are added weekly.
Dec. 17: Hannah & Mary
Before Jesus was even born, his mother Mary understood that His coming would invert the order of the World and offer new hope for sinners and sufferers.
Readings from this service:
1 Samuel 2: 1-10
Psalm 34: 1-8
Luke 1: …
Dec. 10: Mary & Elizabeth
Mary, Elizabeth, and John teach us that God’s decision to show up in our lives and save us is entirely an act of grace.
Readings from this service:
Daniel 7: 13-14
Psalm 132: 11-12
Luke 1: 26-45…
Dec. 3: Zechariah
Zechariah’s story shows how human fickleness can’t spoil God’s sovereign purpose to shatter hopelessness and replace it with joy.
Readings from this service:
Malachi 4: 1-6
Psalm 80: 1-3
Luke 1: 5-25…
Nov. 26: The Last Battle
As we end the church year, and our series on Revelation, Alex asks if we’re ready for the end of the world, and reminds us how to be certain that we are.
Readings from this service:
Revelation 19: 11-21
Psalm …
Nov. 19: The City of God
John’s vision of the New Jerusalem shows us that Christ has prepared a future full of community, divine proximity, and glory for all who will have him.
Readings from this service:
Revelation 21: 9-27
Psalm 84: 1-4
Luke 19: 41-48…
Nov. 12: All Things New
John hears five promises spoken from the throne of God that give us solid hope amid a hopeless world.
Readings from this service:
Revelation 21: 1-8, 22: 1-5
Psalm 122
John 14: 1-3…
Nov. 5: A Thousand Years and A Great White Throne
Alex asks, what happens at the end of the end of the world, and how can we find ourselves on the winning side?
Readings from this service:
Revelation 20: 1-15
Psalm 2
John 11: 17-27…
Oct. 29: The Downfall of Babylon
When you’ve lived in a dark place for a long time, it’s not always easy to see it, but Christ has proposed to set us free and is coming to complete the job soon.
Readings from this service:
Revelation 18: …
Oct. 22: A New Song
In this vision of Jesus, the victorious Lamb, we see that our future in Christ is full of belonging, deep goodness, and wild happiness.
Readings from this service:
Revelation 14: 1-5 & 15: 1-4
Psalm 40: 1-3
John 4: 19-26…
Oct. 15: The Two Beasts
John has a vision of a Dragon, a Sea Beast, and a Land Beast, that together form a counterfeit Trinity – an unholy triumvirate offering a counterfeit Gospel.
Readings from this service:
Revelation 13: 1-18
Psalm 46: 8-11
John 15: …