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Sermons and a bible study are added weekly.
Aug. 9: I Will Announce You
John pleads with the church in Sardis to wake up to the reality of Christ’s kingdom and repent of their hypocrisy. Those who sleep (i.e. those who are content with a carnal existence) will face judgement, but those who wake …
Aug. 2: I Will Give You Myself
Thyatira is like the opposite of Ephesus (good love and poor doctrine.) They are called no longer to tolerate evil, otherwise they will receive tribulation, sickness, and death. But if they hold fast to the truth Jesus will give them …
July 26: I Will Name You
Pergamum knows it is in a world where Satan has great power but is commended for faith in a hostile situation. But false teaching has come in. Christ promises either war against the false or the right to be name …
July 19: I Will Crown You
To the church in Smyrna: Jesus knows intimately every struggle, temptation, and hardship you endure. His call is to be faithful, even unto death, just as He has been. Th eternal reward is worth the cost.
Readings from this service:…
July 12: I Will Grant You Life
In the second part of the I WILL series, we are looking to Revelation where “I Am” continues to say “I Will.” In each of the seven parts of the letter, Jesus makes the promises of God and gives two …
July 5: I Will Give
To a people in exile, wrestling with the consequences of their own sin, God reminds them of his faithfulness, calls them home, and promises to renew their hearts.
Readings from this service:
Ezekiel 11: 16-21
Psalm 51: 5-11
John 3: …
June 28: I Will Establish
God makes a string of promises both for now and eternity to give rest and to protect his people, again with a strong Christological theme.
Readings from this service:
2 Samuel 7: 9-17
Psalm 89: 33-35
Luke 1: 46-55…
June 21: I Will Deliver
Like all covenants the maker states His name first. His name tells us why we can trust His promises. The promise to rescue a people trapped in an impossible trap of slavery.
Readings from this service:
Exodus 3: 4-12
Psalm …
June 14: I Will Bless
The foundational promise of the whole of the story of Israel as fulfilled in Christ—to be a blessing to the nations. God’s blessing is never just for our own sakes, but an order to be a blessing.
Readings from this …
June 7: He Will Win
Rev. Alex begins our new series this week, I WILL: The Promises of God.
God makes numerous promises in the bible, often to people in uncertain times. Unlike human promises, they are 100% guaranteed because of who God is. Our …