Sermons Present & Past (Page 21)

Sermons Present & Past (Page 21)

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Sermons and a bible study are added weekly.

Mar. 28: Palm Sunday: The True King

Jesus is welcomed as a liberating warrior king in triumphal procession. But within a week He is rejected in mock coronation, before being revealed as the true King. Readings from this service: Mark 11: 1-11 Psalm 22: 1-11 Mark 15: …

Mar. 21: The Afflicted Servant

The mission of the Servant is completed as he suffers and bears our sins as a substitute, and in this he fulfills the will of God. Even in his suffering, he is victorious because God’s will has been accomplished. Readings …

Mar. 14: The Rejected Servant

God’s plan of salvation is brought about by unusual means. The Servant is unattractive, despised, rejected, and yet he brings about the cleansing of the nations. Isaiah hints how this brutal and inglorious ministry is a reflection of the heavenly …

Mar. 7: The Obedient Servant

In week three of our Lent series, the path of the Servant becomes clear:  He is one who suffers in order to sustain and comfort others. He is one whose face is set like flint toward a higher purpose and …

Feb. 28: The Savior Servant

The Servant speaks and takes up his mission. The Servant Israel (a true representative) is to restore the nation Israel, but more than that, he will bring about God’s restoration and peace throughout the whole world. “It is too light …

Feb. 21: The Chosen Servant

This is the first week of our Lent series, Servant Song: Christ & The Cross Before He Was Born. The Lord is bringing about a new thing in the form of His Servant. He is the one who will bring …

Feb. 14: It’s Not That Urgent

This is a clever lie because you accept the truth to some extent, but are deceived into thinking you can deal with it tomorrow. Delayed obedience is disobedience. When we trust this lie we reveal that our convenience rules us …

Feb. 7: Be Spiritual, Just Not Religious

This lie equates spirituality with Christianity and encourages an individualist view of faith. It also mischaracterizes church as a ceremonial place of rituals and rules, not an assembly of disciples. The value of the body is ignored (where we encourage …

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