Sermons Present & Past (Page 14)

Sermons Present & Past (Page 14)

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Sermons and a bible study are added weekly.

July 3: Jesus Heals Many

Jesus’ ministry of healing follows the pattern of Isaiah 53. The works he performs are part of the atonement he completes through his death and suffering. Readings from this service: Isaiah 53: 4-6 Psalm 33: 6-9 Matthew 8: 16-17…

June 12: Jesus Cleanses a Leper

In this first sermon of our new series, Restored: The Healings of Jesus, Jesus reaches out and touches a leper, curing him and making him clean by the power of God’s infectious holiness. Readings from this service: Numbers 5: …

June 5: Pentecost

The Holy Spirit empowers us to live bold lives as we respond to God’s call. Ultimately, the center of His will is our only safety. Readings from this service: Acts 2: 1-11 Acts 13: 1-3 Psalm 104: 24, 27-30 John …

May 29: God Owes You an Explanation

Jesus’ third temptation in the wilderness exposes on of Satan’s core lies: that we need absolute certainty because the Father can’t be trusted. Readings from this service: Isaiah 45: 9-13 Psalm 26: 1-3 Luke 4: 1-13…

May 15: You’re In Control

A look at anxiety, control, how it relates to sin, and why a kingdom without a cross will never work. Readings from this service: Matthew 20: 20-28 Revelation 2: 25-29 Psalm 8: 4-9 Luke 4: 1-13…

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