Message from Rev. Alex: Renaming Our Road

Message from Rev. Alex: Renaming Our Road

Many of you are aware that the Fox Chapel Borough Council recently voted to change the name of Squaw Run Road East. As part of that change, the smaller roads, like ours, will now have their own names and the property owners have been asked to indicate their preferences.

We chose ‘Christ Church Lane’ as a simple descriptor of who we are. But even so, at the February meeting of the Borough Council, some objections were raised. I spoke at that meeting to clarify the nature of the objections, and to agree a way forward.

Several of you are concerned that we are being treated differently because of our beliefs. Members of the wider community are also upset by some of the language used at the meeting and by what they see as a matter of procedural impropriety. But Romans 13 teaches us to respect the authorities, even when their decisions hurt us, and 2 Timothy 2 instructs us to avoid getting bogged down in foolish quarrels.

We should be free to name our own road as we like, but I think we should look first to how Christ behaved when he himself was rejected: not with pride, but with humility and love. Ultimately, if we emulate him, it will bring far more glory to Him than winning a mere argument. So, after careful discussion and prayer, the Vestry decided to restate our preference in the most respectful tone possible and answer some of the principal objections, while also indicating a willingness to be gracious in a way that reflects well on Christ if our preference is turned down. The letter below is our best attempt at that near-impossible task.

Letter to Fox Chapel Borough Council

Click here to watch the February 15 meeting at which Rev. Alex addresses the Council (the discussion of Christ Church Lane starts at the 0:57:38”)
Passcode: 3w$YV1Z!

Click here to attend the March meeting on Monday 15th March at 6pm
Passcode: 184581