Christ Church Fox Chapel

a community church preaching the gospel

Latest News

Next MomCo Meetup: March 19

MomCo, formerly known as MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), is a program designed & led by mothers with children of all ages. It’s a place for friendship, authentic community, and support. A MomCo meetup includes practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations, small groups, and videos. Light refreshments and childcare are provided, but more importantly, you’ll get to have honest and vulnerable conversations with other moms who understand the highs and lows of motherhood! This Year’s Theme: Wild Hope Do you ever feel…

Next MomCo MeetUp: March 5

MomCo, formerly known as MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), is a program designed & led by mothers with children of all ages. It’s a place for friendship, authentic community, and support. A MomCo meetup includes practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations, small groups, and videos. Light refreshments and childcare are provided, but more importantly, you’ll get to have honest and vulnerable conversations with other moms who understand the highs and lows of motherhood! This Year’s Theme: Wild Hope Do you ever feel…

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Location Details

Christ Church Fox Chapel 410 Christ Church Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15238

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