Reopening Plan

Reopening Plan

During this difficult season we are following a five level reopening plan. Each level gets us closer to being back where we want to be—together! We’re aware that some will think we’re moving too fast, others too slow, and that some of the precautions we take might seem odd. But we made this plan with medical and legal advice and it’s designed to include everyone safely, especially the vulnerable.

This multi-level plan makes it easy to move forward and back between the levels as our state requirements dictate. We will communicate which level we are currently operating in each week.

Level I:

  • paid staff & household members only in building
  • broadcast services only
  • staff is available to carry out their ministries via telework; contact only by phone or email

Level II:

  • paid staff & household members permitted in building with limited exceptions by appointment only (e.g. vendor visits, building service, etc.)
  • staff is available to carry out their ministries via telework; contact should be by phone or email. If an in-person meeting is imperative, these meetings should take place outside if possible and will be by appointment only
  • broadcast services only
  • drive-thru communion available (clergy must wear Personal Protection Equipment as advised)
  • small group outdoor meetings permitted (under 25 people) with signed release form and pre-registration (masks required, follow social distancing protocols)

Level IIIa:

  • broadcast services continue
  • drive-thru Holy Communion is available immediately following the broadcast service
  • in-person Holy Communion is also available, served in the parking lot
  • socializing outside permitted (social distancing measures must be followed: masks required, 6’ in between you & those who are not part of your household. Families with children are asked to keep them close so that we can follow social distancing measures for everyone’s safety.)
  • limited pastoral visits permitted
  • group outdoor meetings permitted (under 50 people) with signed release form and pre-registration (masks & temperature checks required, follow social distancing protocols)

Level IIIb:

  • broadcast services continue
  • drive-thru communion available immediately following the broadcast service
  • limited amount of outdoor service attendees via pre-registration; number of attendees permitted per state guidelines for groups (masks required, follow social distancing protocols)
  • congregational singing outside permitted (masks required, follow social distancing protocols)
  • Children’s Ministry available (outdoor, pre-registration required)
  • group outdoor meetings permitted (under 50 people) with signed release form and pre-registration (masks & temperature checks required, follow social distancing protocols)

Level IV:

  • broadcast services continue
  • limited amount of indoor service attendees via pre-registration; number of attendees permitted per state guidelines for groups (masks required, follow social distancing protocols)
  • temperature checks & masks required at all CCFC events
  • drive-thru communion available
  • movement & physical contact within the building will be restricted as much as possible
  • no congregational singing in the building
  • readings & prayers of the people will be read by the staff
  • no choir
  • no physical touch at the peace
  • no collection plate passed
  • nursery available in the Parlor
  • Children’s Ministry available in the Parish Hall (pre-registration required)
  • use of restrooms restricted to emergencies only
  • external groups permitted to return, subject to usage requirements

Level V:

  • nursery returns to second floor space
  • congregational singing in the building resumes
  • bathrooms open
  • pre-registration no longer required
  • risk mitigation procedures remain in place as directed by local & state authorities (e.g. masks, distancing, etc.)
  • broadcast services continue as needed

CCFC Responsibilities: What We Are Doing to Keep Everyone Safe

  1. Planning: Our plans will consider all members of our church community—members, staff, volunteers, young, old, groups—and how we can best accommodate them while adhering to the guidelines issued by our state, county and bishop. Our plans are fluid in order to allow for change as needed.
  2. Communicating: We will communicate changes with you in the following ways:
    – via e-mail sent on Friday afternoons
    – via notifications on our app and Facebook
    – on the homepage of our website
  3. Sanitizing: We will have hand sanitizer and disinfecting materials available for all activities when they resume.
  4. Cleaning: We will sanitize touch points during activities held inside the building and fully disinfect weekly when activities inside the building resume.

Member/Attendee Responsibilities: What You Need to Do to Keep Everyone Safe

  1. You are responsible for implementing recommended personal-level actions as outlined by our state,
    g. wearing a mask, hand sanitizing, and following social distancing requirements.
  2. Please follow the established Building Entry Rules.
  3. If you become exposed and have been in the church, you must contact us. We will keep the information confidential, but there are steps we need to take for everyone’s safety.
  4. If you don’t have access to e-mail, our app or the internet, please notify the office by phone so that other arrangements to communicate changes to you can be made.

Building Entry Rules (when applicable)

  1. Do not come if you have any symptoms of being ill.
  2. If you have an underlying medical condition that may increase your risk, please seek advice from your medical professional before attending.
  3. You may only enter the building using Sanctuary Door (on the circle) and exit using the handicapped entrance.
  4. Temperatures will be taken upon entry; those with a temperature of 99.5 degrees or higher will not be admitted.
  5. Family units may stay together, but social distancing from others required (minimum of 6’ apart.)
  6. Please wear a mask.
  7. Use provided hand sanitizer when entering the building.
  8. Do not shake hands/hug.

Updated 9/16/20

Tune in to the 9am service, broadcast live on:

Please note: if the broadcast is interrupted due to high internet traffic, it is being recorded and will be available by noon.