Announcements (Page 15)

Announcements (Page 15)

Church Potluck Picnic SignUp

Connect with old friends and get to know new people at our Potluck Picnic! Activities will be available for children. Click here to volunteer to help and/or to share what side dish or dessert you plan to bring. Advance registration …

Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh Elects New Bishop

The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh has announced that a new Bishop was elected on April 30, 2022. The Rev. Alex Cameron (pictured with his wife Tamara) has been an ordained Anglican priest for more than 30 years and is currently …

New Member Class Series Begins May 8

All visitors, regular attenders and members are welcome to join us for a 3-week course exploring our core convictions as a congregation and what it means to be a member. Classes will be held in the Meeting House from 10:15-10:45am …

He is Risen!

Alleluia! He is Risen! Our Good Friday Midday Prayer and Evening Prayer services, as well as our Easter Service, are all available on our YouTube channel. …

ManUp Pittsburgh: June 11

It’s the 10th anniversary for ManUp Pittsburgh, co-founded by Mike Tomlin & Pastor Ed Glover of Urban Impact Foundation. This year’s speaker line up is impressive: Pastor Bryan Loritts, Coach Tomlin, Ryan Shazier, Alex Highsmith, 16 breakout speakers from Pittsburgh …

Adult Forum: April 3 @ 10:15 am

Join us in the Meeting House this Sunday! This small group bible study that meets between the services to discuss the Bible passages appointed for the day. Sometimes we cover aspects of a passage that we were not able to …

Prayer Vigil: April 3 | 5pm

Please join us for a time of prayer for Ukraine and the world. The sanctuary will be open for prayer. If your heart is heavy, burdened or compelled to pray in this time, we invite you to come and join …

Easter Week @ CCFC

Learn about all of our services during Easter Week, starting with Palm Sunday on April 10.   …

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