Annual Congregational Meeting & Brunch: January 29

Annual Congregational Meeting & Brunch: January 29

Gather together in fellowship and worship at our Annual Meeting & Brunch!

The morning’s schedule will be a bit different:
  There will only be ONE service
  Doors open @ 9 am and Brunch will begin at 9:15 am
  The meeting will begin at 9:45 am (enjoy brunch throughout!) 
  Families with children can sign-in to Children’s Ministry in the lobby followng the blessing
  11 am service will be held in the Parish Hall

Pot Luck Brunch
Bacon & sausage, a yogurt bar, juice & coffee will be provided. Members are asked to bring a breakfast casserole, fruit or other breakfast item to share. Helping hands are also needed to assist with set-up on Saturday afternoon and tear-down afterwards.

Children’s Ministry & Nursery
The Nursery will be available from 9am through the end of the service, and Children’s Ministry will meet in the Sanctuary (sign in/out will be in the lobby.)

Click Here to RSVP for Attendance, Brunch Contributions & Volunteering
Please RSVP whether it’s yes OR no as this is necessary for voting requirements & your contribution for brunch.

Unable to Attend?
If you are unable to attend the meeting due to illness or other unavoidable absence and wish to vote for election of the members of the Vestry, an Absentee Ballot may be obtained by submitting a request via the online RSVP form or contacting the Office.