Announcements (Page 18)
Membership Weekend: July 10-11
Rev. Alex explains Membership Weekend.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We worship a God who loves to bring blessing out of suffering, and who rescues and restores us in our darkest days. In fact, throughout biblical history, the …
CCYM Ohiopyle Trip Information
All 6-12th graders are invited to attend a weekend of fun at Ohiopyle State Park! Get all the info here.…
Our Nursery Re-Opens This Sunday!
Our brightly decorated second-floor nursery is available for children from birth-age 3 from 8:45am-12:15pm each Sunday morning.
For more information, visit our Nursery & Children’s Ministry page.…
All Services Now Held Indoors
As of June 12, all services will be held indoors. Anyone who is fully vaccinated is not required to wear a mask, but those who choose to wear a mask for personal reasons are encouraged to do so.
Services will …
Women’s Group Begins New Book
Our Women’s Group is meeting in-person on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11am. No registration or RSVP is required—just come when you can! For more information, contact group leader Kat Shuttleworth.
The group begins a new book on June 8:
Flooded: …
May 14: Revised COVID Precautions
With the recent announcements from the CDC and PA Department of Health concerning the relaxing of COVID restrictions, we are no longer requiring sign-ups for any of our services.
Please bear with us as we consult with our bishop and …
Holy Week @ CCFC
Visit this page to learn about the activities & services we’re holding during Holy Week.
All services require pre-registration.
Message from Rev. Alex: Renaming Our Road
Many of you are aware that the Fox Chapel Borough Council recently voted to change the name of Squaw Run Road East. As part of that change, the smaller roads, like ours, will now have their own names and the …
Mar. 17: Meditation in The Word (Register Here)
Join us on Wednesday, March 17 from 7-7:30pm as Kathy Mountz leads us through the steps in Lectio Divina—a structured time of scripture reading, reflection and prayer.
Registration is required and is available until 4pm the day of the event.…
Curate’s Contemplations: A Message from Rev. Ben Wulpi
Dear Christ Church Family,
As I write to you, I have my phone’s volume up, ready and waiting for the call from my wife to let me know that labor has started, and we need to go to the hospital …