Posts from March 2023
New Member Class Series Begins April 23
All visitors, regular attenders and members are welcome to join us for a 3-week course exploring our core convictions as a congregation and what it means to be a member. Classes will be held in the Meeting House from 10:15-10:45am …
CCYM Summer Mission Trip
All 6-12th graders are encouraged to attend our mission trip to Charleston, WV from July 23-28! Get all the info here.…
Women’s Group Begins New Book on April 4
Our Tuesday morning Women’s Group starts a new book on April 4—all are welcome to attend!
Current Book:
Forgive: Why Should I and How Can I?
by Tim Keller
Purchase your copy here
Questions? Contact Kat Shuttleworth…
Bulletins & Readings for April 1 & 2
1st corinthians: Building up the body
April 1 & 2
Sermon Title: Palm Sunday
Preacher: The Rev. Ben Hughes
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
This weekend’s services will have instructed Holy Communion, where we explore the meaning of the …
Easter Week @ CCFC
Learn about all of our services during Easter Week, starting with Palm Sunday on April 2.
Bulletins & Readings for March 25-26
1st corinthians: Building up the body
March 25-26
Sermon Title: Unity & The Lord’s Supper
Preacher: The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
Note: The Sunday morning services will follow the format of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Readings may differ slightly …
Men’s Group Meets This Saturday
Men sitting around a fire, sipping beverages of their choice, opening the Scriptures, & praying for one another.
Bring your favorite drink & your bible. Guests welcome!…
Bulletins & Readings for March 18-19
1st corinthians: Building up the body
March 18-19
Sermon Title: Equality, Difference & Interdependence
Preacher: The Rev. Ben Hughes
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The collect for the 4th Sunday in lent
Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ …
Register for the Maundy Thursday Meal (April 6)
Our Maundy Thursday meal commemorates The Last Supper with a meal & a short sermon. Pre-registration is required by March 28.
Maundy Thursday Meal Registration…
Join the Easter Choir!
We need singers for both the 9am & 11am services on Easter morning (April 9.)
Rehearsals will be held on March 26 & April 2 from 10:15-10:45 am
Questions or want to sign up? Contact Robert Fire.…
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