Posts from February 2023
Bulletins & Readings for March 4-5
1st corinthians: Building up the body
March 4-5
Sermon Title: Idols
Preacher: The Rev. Ben Hughes
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The collect for the 2nd Sunday in lent
Almighty God, you know that we have no power in …
Bulletins & Readings for Feb. 25-26
1st corinthians: Building up the body
February 25-26
Sermon Title: Relationships
Preacher: The Rev. Ben Hughes
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The collect for the day
O God, who before the passion of your only-begotten Son revealed his glory …
Lenten Message from Rev. Alex
Dear Church,
As I write, we’re a few weeks into a lengthy study of 1st Corinthians. It’s a great book because the culture in Corinth was so strikingly similar to the culture of our world today.
The other great …
Meal Train for Kairos Weekend Volunteers
Support the Kairos volunteers who share their time on “inside” weekends by helping to provide a meal.
March 18 Meal Train
Sign up by March 13 to provide a casserole (recipe will be provided), salad, bread or dessert. …
Bulletins & Readings for Feb. 18-19
1st corinthians: Building up the body
February 18-19
Sermon Title: Living for the Body with Your Body
Preacher: The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The collect for the day
O God, who before the passion of …
Bulletins & Readings for Feb. 11-12
1st corinthians: Building up the body
February 11-12
Sermon Title: Living Inside the Church for the Sake of Those Outside the Church
Preacher: The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The collect for the day
Almighty God, …