Posts from 2022 (Page 8)
Easter Week Readings & Bulletins
April 14: Maundy Thursday
Preacher: Tami Fire
Maundy Thursday Bulletin
The lesson: matthew 26: 17-19, 26-29
The Passover with the Disciples
17 Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Where will …
Readings & Bulletins for April 9 & 10
series: tetelestai: The finished work of christ
April 9/10: Palm Sunday
Sermon Title: The New Exodus
Preacher: The Rev. Ben Hughes
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The Collect for palm sunday
Almighty and everlasting God, in your tender …
Adult Forum: April 3 @ 10:15 am
Join us in the Meeting House this Sunday! This small group bible study that meets between the services to discuss the Bible passages appointed for the day. Sometimes we cover aspects of a passage that we were not able to …
Prayer Vigil: April 3 | 5pm
Please join us for a time of prayer for Ukraine and the world.
The sanctuary will be open for prayer. If your heart is heavy, burdened or compelled to pray in this time, we invite you to come and join …
Readings & Bulletins for April 2 & 3
series: tetelestai: The finished work of christ
April 2/3
Sermon Title: The Exchange
Preacher: The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The Collect for the Day
Almighty God, you alone can bring into order the unruly …
Readings & Bulletins for March 26-27
series: tetelestai: The finished work of christ
March 26 & 27
Sermon Title: The Recovery
Preacher: The Rev. Ben Hughes
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The Collect for the Day
Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came …
Readings & Bulletins for Mar. 19 & 20
series: tetelestai: The finished work of christ
March 19 & 20
Sermon Title: The Ransom
Preacher: The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The Collect for the Day
Heavenly Father, you have made us for yourself, …
Easter Week @ CCFC
Learn about all of our services during Easter Week, starting with Palm Sunday on April 10.
Readings & Bulletins for Mar. 12 & 13
series: tetelestai: The finished work of christ
March 12 & 13
Sermon Title: The Scandal
Preacher: The Rev. Ben Hughes
Saturday Evening Bulletin
Sunday Morning Bulletin
The Collect for the Day
Almighty God, you know that we have no …
Adult Forum Add-On—March 20: The Book of Common Prayer
In this add-on to our monthly schedule, Rev. Alex will present a brief overview of what liturgy is, where it comes from, and how to use the Book of Common Prayer at home.
We’ll meet in the Meeting House from …