Path to Membership

Path to Membership

Everyone is welcome to attend services at Christ Church Fox Chapel. But if you want to be a member, you must be a Christian who:
Commits: affirms the historic creeds and commits to Jesus Christ as Lord and savior;
Connects: attends worship services as a priority;
Contributes: becomes involved in the life of the church making regular gifts of time and money, as you are able.

In return, we commit to you to proclaim the gospel faithfully, to perform the sacraments regularly, and to support you practically in your walk with God. “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well” (1 Thessalonians 2:8 NIV).

Why Become a Member?

All Christians are members of the one global church by virtue of the fact that they are members of Christ himself, “so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another” (Romans 12:5). But if you live in Pittsburgh, you might specifically want to join Christ Church Fox Chapel because we are a healthy, growing, multi-generational, local community church that will be there for you to celebrate the joys and special events of life as well as to support you in the more difficult times as we “rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15).

We have three characteristics that especially stand out:

  • One: we prioritize the word and sacrament. Our preaching and teaching is Bible-based and each week we remember God’s grace through the symbols of bread and wine.
  • Two: we are Christians first and Anglicans second, which makes us a comfortable spiritual home for people from any denominational background or none. In the words of the Anglican Church in North America, quoting C.S. Lewis, we are ‘mere Christians’, “evangelical, apostolic, global, reformed and Spirit- filled.”
  • Three: we are a family-sized church with some large church qualities. Our preaching, music, children’s, youth and small groups are relevant to the needs of our community.

To be a voting member of Christ Church Fox Chapel, under our bylaws, one must be “baptized, a communicant, eighteen (18) years of age or over, recognized by the Rector and Wardens as a regular attendee at services, and on the Treasurer’s records as a regular contributor to the revenues of the Congregation.” Although they cannot vote, we also consider children to be members.

How to Become a Member

Joining Christ Church Fox Chapel

If you can commit, connect and contribute, the rest is easy! Simply complete a CCFC Membership Form and return it to the office (to submit the form electronically using the red “Submit” button on the form, you must first download and open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

Recognizing Your membership Publicly

There is no need for any public announcement but many people like to mark out their new membership publicly and we have several different options for you. We can simply add your name to the bulletin as new members, or pray for you at the front of the church during one of our services. It is also possible to arrange a more formal service such as a baptism, reaffirmation of your baptismal vows, reception or confirmation and at those events some people also like to share a testimony about their faith.

Becoming More Active in the Church
We have numerous small groups which you can just try out or join at any time. If you would like to start serving in church, please speak to one of the clergy and either they or a member of the Vestry can meet with you to discuss your spiritual gifts and how God has shaped you for service in the church so that you join the type of ministry most fulfilling for you.

Membership Brochure