Sermons from June 2021

Sermons from June 2021

June 27: RESTART: Connect

What does it mean to be connected? Church members are connected to God—and to one another—through the blood-bought mercy of Christ. The Gospel joins even the most diverse group of people into a unified body. Readings from this service: 1 …

June 20: RESTART: Commit

We are a broad church, at different stages in our faith and with many subtle differences in our views. But there are some key non-negotiable commitments, without which membership here makes no sense. (1)    To be a Christian is to …

June 13: RESTART: What Is Church?

Our new series Restart: Commit, Connect, Contribute, begins this week. Believers have always assembled together for worship. And the early church was especially characterized by its devotion to one another. A passive, consumerist, materialist, or individualist understanding of church …

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